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Echo top height calculation from NEXRAD PPI volume data:

An echo top is the radar indicated top of an area of precipitation. This notebook demonstrates how to calculate the echo top height (ETH) in a NEXRAD PPI volume scan to determine the maximum elevation angle at which a certain reflectivity threshold is exceeded.

This example uses the echo top height (ETH) calculation code written by Valentin Louf, available at this github repository.


The notebook applies the modified ETH algorithm proposed by Lakshmanan et al. (2013) to a NEXRAD PPI volume scan.

The modified algorithm comprises these steps:

  1. Find the maximum elevation angle (θb\theta_{b}) where reflectivity (ZbZ_{b}) exceeds the echo-top reflectivity threshold. If θb\theta_{b} is not the highest elevation scan in the virtual volume, obtain the reflectivity value (ZaZ_{a}) at the next higher elevation angle (θa\theta_{a}). Then, the echo-top height is given by the height of the radar beam at an elevation angle:
θT=(ZTZa)θbθaZbZa+θb\theta_T = (Z_T - Z_a) \frac{\theta_b - \theta_a}{Z_b - Z_a} + \theta_b

where ZTZ_T is the threshold value (e.g., 0 dBZ, 18 dBZ) used to compute the echo top.

  1. If θb\theta_{b} is the highest elevation scan available, set θT=θb+β/2\theta_{T} = \theta_{b} + \beta/2, where β is the half-power beamwidth. This condition is met far away from the radar if higher-elevation scans have shorter ranges than a base “surveillance” scan and very close to the radar if the highest-elevation scan does not sample the top of the cloud. Under these circumstances, θT\theta_{T} is set to be the top of the beam containing dBZ ZT\geq Z_T; that is, the traditional echo-top algorithm is followed when there are no data available from a higher-elevation scan.


Matplotlib BasicsRequiredBasic plotting
Intro to CartopyRequiredGeospatial plotting
Py-ART BasicsRequiredIO/Visualization
NumbaHelpfulFamiliarity with vectorization/optimization of Python functions
  • Time to learn: 25 minutes


import pyart
import numpy as np
from echotop import cloud_top_height, grid_cloud_top
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs

Define our function to compute ETH on a uniform x-y grid

The input file can be a Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) archive file from Amazon Web Services. We will remotely access this file and use a reflectivity threshold eth_thld to define our echo tops.

def compute_eth(infile, eth_thld=0):
    Compute the Echo Top Height on a grid
    infile (str): Filename of NEXRAD Level 2 Archive file. The files hosted by
    at the NOAA National Climate Data Center [1]_ as well as on the
    UCAR THREDDS Data Server [2]_ have been tested. Other NEXRAD
    Level 2 Archive files may or may not work. Message type 1 file
    and message type 31 files are supported.
    eth_thld (float): Reflectivity threshold for which we want to compute 
    the echo top height.
    cth_grid: ndarray <x, y>
        Echo top height on a grid of dimension (x, y).  
    .. [1]
    .. [2]
    # Reading NEXRAD L2 data stored on AWS cloud
    radar =

    r = radar.range['data']
    azimuth = radar.azimuth['data']
    elevation = radar.elevation['data']
    refl = np.array(radar.fields['reflectivity']['data'])
    st_sweep = radar.sweep_start_ray_index['data']
    ed_sweep = radar.sweep_end_ray_index['data']

    # Compute ETH. The 'echotop' package uses @jit decorator to optimize 
    # the 'cloud_top_height' function
    cth = cloud_top_height(r, azimuth, elevation, st_sweep, ed_sweep, refl, eth_thld=eth_thld)

    # Grid data
    th = 450 - azimuth[slice(st_sweep[0], ed_sweep[0] + 1)]
    th[th < 0] += 360

    R, A = np.meshgrid(r, th)
    x = R * np.cos(np.pi * A / 180)
    y = R * np.sin(np.pi * A / 180)

    xgrid = np.arange(-MAX_RANGE, MAX_RANGE + RANGE_STEP / 2, RANGE_STEP).astype(np.int32)
    [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(xgrid, xgrid)
    cth_grid = grid_cloud_top(
        cth, x, y, X, Y, nnearest=24, maxdist=2500
    )  # nearest=24 should be enough to sample out to 2500m on a 1000m grid
    cth_grid =

    return cth_grid

Read and plot reflectivity and velocity fields for a sample file

aws_nexrad_level2_file = (

radar =

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
display = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar)

ax = plt.subplot(121, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())

    colorbar_label="Equivalent Relectivity ($Z_{e}$) \n (dBZ)",

ax = plt.subplot(122, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())

    colorbar_label="Radial Velocity ($V_{r}$) \n (m/s)",

Define some global constants and compute the ETH on a horizontally uniform grid

These constants are required by the compute_eth function to grid the data from polar coordinates to a horizontally uniform grid. These three constants are defined as:

FILLVALUE (Value to replace missing data)
RANGE_STEP (Uniform horizontal grid spacing in x and y dimensions)
MAX_RANGE (Maximum range up to which ETH to be calculated from gridded data)

FILLVALUE: int = -9999 
RANGE_STEP: int = 1000 
MAX_RANGE: float = 250e3 

cth_grid = compute_eth(aws_nexrad_level2_file, eth_thld=20)

Plot the gridded echo/cloud top height using matplotlib

p = plt.pcolormesh(cth_grid,



Within this example, we walked through how to access ARM data from a field campaign in Texas, plot a quick look of the RHI scan data, and grid our RHI data from native (polar) coordinates to a uniform range-height Caretsian grid.

Resources and References

  • Read NEXRAD on AWS
  • Py-ART:
    • Helmus, J.J. & Collis, S.M., (2016). The Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART), a Library for Working with Weather Radar Data in the Python Programming Language. Journal of Open Research Software. 4(1), p.e25. DOI: Helmus & Collis (2016)
  • Echo-top height algorithm:
    • Lakshmanan, V., Hondl, K., Potvin, C. K., & Preignitz, D. (2013). An improved method for estimating radar echo-top height. Weather and Forecasting, 28(2), 481-488. DOI: Lakshmanan et al. (2013)
  1. Helmus, J. J., & Collis, S. M. (2016). The Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART), a Library for Working with Weather Radar Data in the Python Programming Language. Journal of Open Research Software, 4(1), 25. 10.5334/jors.119
  2. Lakshmanan, V., Hondl, K., Potvin, C. K., & Preignitz, D. (2013). An Improved Method for Estimating Radar Echo-Top Height. Weather and Forecasting, 28(2), 481–488. 10.1175/waf-d-12-00084.1